Classic EaseDrop
Messages to Uplift and Inspire You
Introduction by AmarEase
Today we wish to introduce and officially initiate the Daily EaseDrop, in which we, with the help of our channel, bring to you drops of wisdom, drops of inspiration, drops of wellbeing. Those drops often contain seeds that you can allow to take root in
EaseDrop - Solutions
Even though things may feel overwhelming at times, we want you to know there is always a solution, there is always a way forward.
Ask for it. Ask for
EaseDrop - You Are Loved
Today we want to remind you that you are always loved and adored.
Within you, your Being Essence, Source within you, your divine core - who you really are - is always here with you
EaseDrop - New Energies of 2022
The energies of this new year are different than the base energy of the last year. It is a new cycle, a new phase that has begun. The energies of this year are very supportive of and fostering a movement we call “make this year your own”.
EaseDrop Experience the Infinite Stream of Wellbeing
There are many many ways of becoming consciously aware of Source within you - Source energy, love.
Your breath is one example. It moves all by itself,
EaseDrop - Dreaming in the Darkness
For many of you, this is the time of darkness. Living in the northern hemisphere you are experiencing the darkest time of the year.
It is a time for dreaming. It is a time for rest. It is a time to go within.
EaseDrop - Your Magical Breath
There are many many ways of becoming consciously aware of Source within you - Source energy, love.
Your breath is one example. It moves all by itself,
EaseDrop - Benefits of Relaxation
Any movement of relaxation - physically, mentally, emotionally - brings you closer to alignment with your Being Essence, with Source.
Through relaxation you open up to receive
EaseDrop - What is Healing?
Any and all discord you experience stems from a sense of separation; a feeling of being cut off from Source, being far away from home, being alone.
EaseDrop - In Times of Confusion and Upheaval
When you are in a state of confusion or upheaval - any state of strong negative emotion - it is not the time to make decisions of consequence. Sometimes, in a strong emotional state it feels compelling or even urgent to make decisions.
EaseDrop - Choices and Default Decisions
In our last message we invited you to shine some light - lovingly with curiosity - on your decision making process in different areas of your life and being. What is driving each decision? Today we wish to shine
EaseDrop - Decision Awareness
This week’s theme is decision awareness - choices!
We invite you to pause for a moment when you make decisions or agree to do something,
EaseDrop - Completions and Endings
During this time of energetic intensity and transition into the new year, it is a wonderful time for completions.
Are there any aspects of your life
EaseDrop - The Well-being of Appreciation
Appreciation - it is not a have-to or a should. It is not something a good spiritual person should practice. There is no pressure or requirement associated with appreciation.
It is a natural feeling.
EaseDrop - ThanksGiving
This is the week of celebrations and appreciation. There is a general sense of more gratitude in the collective right now because a big portion of the collective is focused on giving thanks during this time. You can ride that wave
EaseDrop - See Through the Eyes of Source
This is a week of celebration and appreciation. We wish to begin it by expressing our appreciation for you. You are, in your essence, an extension of Source energy. You are a
EaseDrop - From Unwanted to Preferred
You continue to, in your natural flow and process, become clear about what it is that you prefer and what you don’t prefer in your life experience. This is a natural process that is happening all the time.
EaseDrop - A New Cycle
This is a time of the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle - more so than usual. These current days are a wonderful time to bring to completion what you have outgrown;
EaseDrop - Fruitful Review of Your Life Experience
Today is a day that is especially fruitful in reviewing your life experience. What is it that you love and enjoy? What is it that you do not prefer? Where do you desire change or something new altogether?
EaseDrop - Wellbeing throughout Your Day
Today we invite you to remember the infinite stream of wellbeing that is flowing to you and through you at all times.
It is entirely up to you how much of it you let in.