EaseDrop - What is Healing?

Any and all discord you experience stems from a sense of separation; a feeling of being cut off from Source, being far away from home, being alone.

From that belief and perception a whole system is created based on the notion of having to survive and provide for your needs and desires from this sense of separation.

That is hard.

Healing occurs through reconnection with Source. Reconnection with Source and your Being Essence, the Source within you, that you have never been separated from. It is the very core of your being.

Yet the sense and the awareness of a separation are real and create an experience that is real. Even though there really is no separation from Source - you can never not be who you are in your core - all that springs from the sense, the perception of separation, is real, because it is being experienced as such. It is a lived experience.

It is a bit of a conundrum.

All healing occurs when any aspect of you that feels separated is reconnected with Source, the Source within you.

AmarEase through Satora Oswald


EaseDrop - Benefits of Relaxation


EaseDrop - In Times of Confusion and Upheaval