Solstice Message 6/21/2023
Solstice Message from AmarEase Audio
Hello Hello Hello.
We come to this day of your solstice with a message, a message of what you could call good tidings.
This is an auspicious time, a time today, in the following days specifically in the energetic configuration as your planet moves into a new cycle - a new three-month cycle and also a new six-month cycle - for you to dream and take a bold new step.
A bold new step doesn't have to be something really big and scary. It can just be a little thing that you have been wanting to do, or that suddenly you feel the urge to do, that now arises within you, as a new idea or something returning or something that you have been wanting to engage with or experience or do for a while. Sort of in the background, on the back burner or even on a barely conscious level that is now coming forward stronger: an idea, a desire, an urge.
And we invite you to follow that. Something simple. It doesn't have to be big. It can be very, very small. But it is a first step into that new direction and new being.
New doesn't necessarily have to be something brand new. But new can be that you follow through with this thing.
A little thing like calling a person you've been thinking of or buying yourself a thing that you've been wanting, looking at something, posting or publishing something. It can be many things. Or just for yourself: do a creative project that you've been wanting to do or read a certain book.
Whatever it is, it can be a very small thing, it can be something bigger. Do it for yourself, just allow this little flow. Allow yourself to follow this intuition or urge, idea and see what happens and where you go from there.
This is a good time for a beginning and also a very good time to think about your goals, intentions and dreams. Not in the sense of what you have to do to achieve them or put more on your to-do list. No, dream about - dream about. Connect with a dream, an intention, a goal small or big; we could even say daydream and connect to it.
The You that is already there, connect with the wonder of it, the experience of it, the newness of it. Whatever it is - how great it will be to experience that without attaching any to-do list with it. That is not necessary and not necessarily helpful right now at this stage.
So the suggestions are: a dream invitation and a do invitation / an activity invitation. And they can be two very independent and different topics, subjects, things.
And as you dream or think about and daydream about something new and wonderful or enhanced and wonderful, it is also a great opportunity to release what you perceive are obstacles.
There may arise within you emotions or beliefs or objections when you start turning your attention toward this dream or goal or intention you have.
And that is all right and that is quite normal actually.
And the fact that these objections or emotions, maybe even fears, arise is a sign that they are ready to be transformed and make way for the new.
So as much as you can we invite you to welcome them and gently and lovingly release them. Give them to the infinitely powerful Source within you.
Or you can also find a representative of this Source energy, of this infinite power that some call God - we call Source. The Source of all creation and the Source that is within you. That is your very essence.
If you have something that represents Source for you, or unconditional love, or infinite wisdom - it can be a being, a saint, a god/goddess, an archetype, a tree, the ocean. It could be a supercomputer, however you imagine it and whatever it is you can relate to.
It could be a divine recycle bin that you give/ release these objections, emotions, beliefs into knowing that you are giving it to, let us say, a power that lovingly and gently will recycle them: Bring it back to Source energy and this Source energy then can be used for the creation and the forming of your new intention, your dream.
So objections, fears, emotions, other emotions that arise, they do not mean that it will be hard or difficult or impossible, or you should not be dreaming.
They just are, if we could say, fuel for the new. As you release them, recycle, compost them, they become the energy, the newly freed and recycled energy that then is used to create that new.
You are loved. Enjoy this time of change and transition.
And if you do not wish to celebrate this in any way, the solstice, that is quite alright.
It is your life and your decisions.
We are merely pointing out energies and opportunities right now where certain things are easier, energetically more supported and easier for you to do.
Whatever you choose, and whatever you do with yourself, with your life: Know that it is your life and your decision and you're always always always loved and adored by Source, the Source within you, the Source around you.
You are always loved and supported.